A friend for Tucker...first pug I have seen in Ecuador. His name was Goddy

Dinner at Dwight's place...yummy curry chicken
HAPPY 3 WEEKS TO ME! Yes, I can't believe it, its been 3 weeks since my arrival to San Clemente. The weather the past few days has been kind of cloudy, but yesterday the sun came out and I got some great pictures! Thanks to everyone for their comments, I really enjoyed reading them!
I should be getting a phone here soon. Everyone has the prepaid phones here from either Porta or Allegro. You can get plans here for as little as $10 a month, but most everyone just buys the minutes on cards. This is what I had when I was 16 in the states. BUT its amazing how caught up with cell phones everyone is here, even in the rural towns.
Trees like the one shown above are seen all over the Manabi province area of Ecuador. They remind me of something out of the Wizard of Oz...with human like branches. These trees are called Ceibo. They actually feed the larvae of moths and butterflies. The flowers on these trees are like fluffy white blooms. Very pretty! They are the national trees for Argentina and Urguay, but are only found on the west part of Ecuador.
Every Sabado (Saturday) is discotecha night. All the locals come out to the center of town and there is the town bar/club where everyone dances. I enjoy these nights, it makes me feel at home :) I will say though, I really miss country music. Salsa dancing is the main type of dancing here...its like they learn the steps while they are still in their mother's tummy! The men here LOVE to dance, and they are good at it! When I go to clubs in the US you have to beg the guy to come dance with you or they have to get a few drinks in them beforehand. It's just part of the culture here...everyone dances! It releases stress!!

Thank you everyone for following my blog! We are so blessed in many ways! I am so thankful for this opportunity to travel and learn about other cultures. It has been quite the adventure thus far and I still have about 5 more months!! I will be returning to the US, December 7th.
Love you all!!
I should be getting a phone here soon. Everyone has the prepaid phones here from either Porta or Allegro. You can get plans here for as little as $10 a month, but most everyone just buys the minutes on cards. This is what I had when I was 16 in the states. BUT its amazing how caught up with cell phones everyone is here, even in the rural towns.

Every Sabado (Saturday) is discotecha night. All the locals come out to the center of town and there is the town bar/club where everyone dances. I enjoy these nights, it makes me feel at home :) I will say though, I really miss country music. Salsa dancing is the main type of dancing here...its like they learn the steps while they are still in their mother's tummy! The men here LOVE to dance, and they are good at it! When I go to clubs in the US you have to beg the guy to come dance with you or they have to get a few drinks in them beforehand. It's just part of the culture here...everyone dances! It releases stress!!

Thank you everyone for following my blog! We are so blessed in many ways! I am so thankful for this opportunity to travel and learn about other cultures. It has been quite the adventure thus far and I still have about 5 more months!! I will be returning to the US, December 7th.
Love you all!!
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