Sunday, January 9, 2011

Hello are you still there??

Hello? Hello? You still there?

For all my readers out there, I haven't totally fallen off the blog thing. I think its important to continue writing about my adventures, even though its been awhile since they happened. So stay tuned because I am still here and back to writing again!

First off I would like to let everyone know I am back in the US safe and sound after a full day of traveling. 5am on December 7th I left via taxi for an hour to the bus station in Porto Viejo, then I had the pleasure of riding a really nice bus for 4 hours to the bus station in Guayaquil and then a journey of a few minutes via taxi to the airport where I jumped aboard a plane after having my baggage thoroughly searched and took off to Miami. My friend Bre, who has traveled to many countries, warned me about feeling weird once I arrived back in the states. She said I might get this annoying sensation with the people and sure enough she was right! After finally adjusting to the "manana" attitude, I quickly felt bombarded and rushed and annoyed. I literally walked around the corner, misread a sign and the elevator closed and reopened for me to step in. I instantly got chewed out by a male flight attendant for taking too long to get into the elevator. I quickly shut him up when I replied "Merry Christmas to you too."

I must say it took me a few weeks to actually start resuming the American lifestyle. Wal-mart was a huge shock, way too many choices and the prices for produce were ridiculous and not even fresh. I put a pineapple in the buggy and was later confronted by my friends boyfriend that he had never heard of just cutting a pineapple to eat it. But still after being here a month as of two days ago, I feel like Ecuador is just a dream. Life really passes you by so fast! I am still forever grateful for my daddy for allowing me the opportunity to travel to such a beautiful country and to have an unforgettable experience. And to my mom and step-dad who watched my little baby boy, Tucker while I was away, this experience wouldn't have been possible.

I again stress to those of you out there reading this traveling and living/learning about another's culture is an eye opening experience. Life is too short to sit around and talk about back packing across Europe or visiting the Great Wall in China, DO IT! So, HAPPY 2011 to all my friends and family out there! Make it one you will never forget, do something you have never thought possible and live tomorrow like its your last!

Keep reading because I am posting the rest of my journey in Ecuador!


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